viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Turbulence affects aircraft; leaves eight injured

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico.- The strong turbulence experienced by the passengers of flight 1134 Jet Blue, Between San Juan and Orlando, and left on Monday night at eight wounded is unforeseen weather conditions Caused by facing a pilot.

"This is like driving a car on the road has a lot of holes and, unexpectedly, one it Takes one and says a bad word and 'ay Took That hole,'" Described the certificate investigator of air crashes, Robin Raphael Rivera pomales.

I Explained That there are Situations Where You can go through turbulence. Among These are cross water-laden clouds Between, a thunderstorm or That Identified as the Most Common, Which is to find an air mass Which has two temperature Changes, cold and heat.

"You feel like a plane, When in the clouds, vibrates a little. THEREFORE, the plans Should be flying above the clouds. But there May be disguised as an unstable above the clouds That create air turbulence," Said Rivera Pomales.

Unstable air referenced That is The One That Arises from the clash Between the hot and cold air. I Said That when "the plane comes in, that's a pulling down air strip pressure down three, four or five times held high Which Makes the aircraft out of control."

The expert added That the aircraft moves, Because instability is created in the "lift flight". And the wings, engine, aircraft weight and the back of the plane must be balanced.

"All aircraft are designed to withstand turbulence it," I Said, adding that bad weather These areas are not detected by radar aircraft.

I accepted, incidentally, can cause turbulence esta That the plane to fall, but gave no details.

"There Have Been many plans That Have fallen turbulence, of course. Yes there May be unsafe. But it is well worth Noting That aviation is the safest element. It is safer than driving a car. There are more car accidents That aircraft," Said Rivera Pomales.

As far experienced by travelers Jet Blue, air accident investigator Said the plane Could Go through an abrupt turbulence, Which Caused the instability of the aircraft.

"The strong turbulence can you catch everyone off guard," I Said.

"It is not the first nor the last plane That is the same. THEREFORE, Should always be passengers restrained in the seat even When not lit sign," Said Rivera Pomales.

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